Arrested for Downloading Software on the Internet

May 22, 2012 by wsadmin

Illegally downloading software on the internet is not uncommon. Savvy internet users, and even those with limited computer knowledge, find it tempting and easy to download copyrighted games, movies, music and software without paying for it. File-sharing or peer-to-peer sites are easy to access and are used to find software to download.

Getting caught is uncommon because illegal downloading is so pervasive, but if you were visited by law enforcement or the FBI, the penalties can be costly. This is a copyright offense and a violation of US law which carries fines up to $250,000 and up to 5 years in prison.

Downloading music illegally can be even more expensive. Federal law imposes a fine of up to $150,000 per music track. You should also be aware that even if you did not distribute the music and just streamed or downloaded it without paying for it, it is a violation.


To prove copyright infringement, the government must prove that you willfully or deliberately copied the files and that you intended to use them or share them without paying for them.

The government must also prove that you were the one who committed the act. If other people lived in your residence or had access to your computer, it may be difficult to prove it was you.

Illegal downloading of files is a serious matter. You need the skills and knowledge of a criminal defense attorney experienced in cyber crime and copyright infringement cases who can adequately prepare your defense and achieve a favorable resolution.

Travis Williams has successfully defended clients in federal and state courts. Contact The Law Office of Travis Williams today at 425-425-4755.

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