Were you caught speeding on the highway?

May 4, 2012 by wsadmin

Speeding tickets can cost you more than a few hundred dollar fine, which is substantial enough for many people. Depending on how fast you were going, you will be given points on your driving record and the citation will be on your driving record.

Degrees of Violations

Each Florida county sets its own fines for speeders. If your speed is less than 15 miles per hour over the limit, you could get 3 points on your record. If you are eligible and choose traffic school, you still have to pay the fine but no court appearance is necessary.

If you speed is 15 miles per hour but less than 30 over the limit, you could get 4 points on you record.

If you were going more than 30 miles per hour over the speed limit, you will have a mandatory court appearance and face possible license suspension.

Also, remember if you get 12 points over a 12 month period, your license will be suspended.


Florida law demands that certain policies be followed or a case can be dismissed. For instance, the officer who issued you the ticket may not have cited the proper statute. In some cases, the officer must provide a written explanation of how the statute was violated; otherwise your attorney could have your ticket dismissed.

The credibility of the radar device is a popular way to contest your ticket. The officer must maintain radar logs indicating dates when it was calibrated and tested. Failure to bring the logs and proof of calibration could result in a dismissal.

Another possible defense is the lack of a speed survey taken over the stretch of roadway you were on, or the state or county’s failure to perform a new survey if the roadway had been substantially changed in the past 5 years.

If your main concern is the points on your license, then we can negotiate with the officer in an attempt to get a withhold of adjudication which avoids a conviction and points.

If you face a license suspension or just want to contest your speeding ticket, retain an experienced criminal defense attorney who has represented countless people in traffic matters; including speeding. The Law Office of Travis Williams has the knowledge and skills to defend you. We will also appear in court for you and handle all the paperwork at a price you can afford. Contact The Law Offices of Travis Williams for a professional approach. Call today at 407-425-4755.

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