Got caught smoking weed in Orlando
Weed is also known by various other names such as marijuana, pot, hydro, hash, bud, cannabis, Ganja and even hashish. It is a recreational drug, which is widely used in Florida.
Weed possession, sale or trafficking is a ban at the state and federal levels, and is categorized as a Schedule I drug. This implies that the use of this drug anywhere in Florida is not legalized even medically to consume. Thus, even if marijuana is helpful for a medical reason, a patient can still be arrested and face jail under Florida marijuana laws.
A person caught possessing and smoking weed in the state of Florida can be heavily penalized. The law is extremely strict in the central Florida areas of Orlando, Windermere, Seminole county and Osceola county.
There are numerous tests such as blood or urine conducted to detect the consumption of weed. A point to keep in mind is that these tests can easily detect cannabinoids for more than two weeks after smoking or consumption by a casual user and up to one month for a chronic consumer of weed. However, an experienced criminal defense attorney may know that there are expert opinions that state marijuana can remain in one’s system for more than 90 days.
According to the laws of the state, if someone is caught with more than 20 grams of weed, it is regarded as a felony and you can get up to five years in prison and a monetary fine of $5,000. Possession of less than 20 grams of marijuana is a misdemeanor and you can be punished for up to a year in jail along with a fine of up to $1,000.
Other penalties if convicted include a two year driver’s license suspension, probation, counselling and community service hours. Generally, the seriousness depends on the amount of weed you are caught with and your previous record. If this is a first time offense, an experienced attorney will know that there is a possibility to avoid prosecution in exchange for completing a diversion program which will enable you to avoid a conviction.
You must not forget that the repercussions of any criminal conviction for use of weed can severely affect your future. A criminal record will not only affect your professional life but could impact your personal life. When you are arrested in Florida for drug charges, it becomes highly important to get in touch with a capable criminal defense attorney who has sufficient experience fighting for people charged with marijuana in Orange county. The defense attorney you hire should have comprehensive knowledge of the Florida drug laws and be able to fight your weed charges aggressively.
If you are an addict of weed or any other drugs, you should without delay, seek rehabilitation.